Many patients fail to recognize the symptoms of TMJ disorders, resulting in chronic pain. These symptoms include:

  • Jaw and facial pain
  • A clicking noise when you open or close your jaw
  • A grating sensation with jaw movement
  • Jaw stiffness
  • Ear pain
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Chronic headaches
  • Pain in your neck or shoulders

What causes TMJ disorders?

Disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) affect the jaw joints and the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Trauma, an improper bite, arthritis, or wear and tear can cause it. You may also experience inflammation of the muscles and ligaments around your joints. The most common cause of TMJ disorders is bruxism, or the grinding of your teeth. This unconscious, habitual action can cause significant stress on your jaw. TMJ disorders can cause patients to experience pain and discomfort, which can lead to bruxism. Uneven or missing teeth can also cause TMD, affecting the force and alignment of your bite.

What are the treatment options for TMJ disorders?

You will receive a treatment plan tailored to your particular needs for TMD. Most people opt to wear night guards. With the custom-fit device, your facial muscles will be retrained, and jaw clenching prevented. In addition to recommending a night guard, your dentist may also recommend lifestyle changes. For a few weeks, you might want to eat a soft diet so your jaw can rest and heal.

Additionally, it may help you avoid chewing gum and improve your posture. Once the pain subsides, you can start reintroducing other foods. Additionally, the distribution of forces and the TMJ balance can also be enhanced by a variety of restorative procedures on teeth.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation aims to restore bite and ensure proper function of TMJ. The long-term results need to be considered in Diagnosis and Treatment plans in such cases.