The specialty of periodontics focuses on inflammatory disease affecting the gums and other structures surrounding teeth.

Why is periodontal treatment necessary?

Depending on the severity of the infection, the complexity of the case, or the risk of tooth loss, you may need to visit a periodontist instead of a general dentist.

Following are a few reasons why you need periodontics:

  • Swollen or puffy gums
  • can be caused by plaque and tartar formation, which are often the first signs of gingivitis.
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • may also be caused by inflammation when you brush, floss, or eat.
  • Bad Breath

Anxiety is not always induced by bad breath. Even when you maintain good oral hygiene, bad breath may persist; it could be a sign of plague or a tooth problem.

  • Painful chewing
  • Over time, gum inflammation can form holes around your teeth that can loosen teeth by making them more susceptible.
  • Receding gum line

Gum Deep Cleaning & Root Planing

Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that causes gum disease. Plaque is always forming on your teeth, but the bacteria can cause your gums to swell and bleed if you don't clean them regularly. During this process, your gums pull away from your teeth and create pockets. If plaque gets trapped in these pockets, brushing won't be able to remove it. The result could be tooth and bone loss if left untreated. Periodontitis (gum disease that is more advanced than gingivitis) can be treated by scaling and root planing.

There are two parts to this deep cleaning. Scaling involves removing all plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) above and below the gum line so that your dentist can reach the bottom of your pockets. Root planing helps reattach your gums to your teeth by smoothing out the roots of your teeth. It may take more than one visit for scaling and root planing, and a local anesthetic may be required.

Gum Contouring

Using gum contouring, a cosmetic dentist can create a beautiful smile. Lips and gums serve as a framework for a patient's smile. A beautiful smile is a result of healthy gums. A beautiful smile isn't just about the teeth; it's the whole picture. An unattractive gummy smile can result from too much gum, even when the teeth are perfectly aligned and proportioned. The smile is more than teeth alone!

A beautiful smile can usually be achieved through cosmetic gum contouring, which includes gingivectomy and gingivoplasty. When there is only a small amount of excess gum tissue, a gingivectomy can be done. However, if the gum tissue has a bigger problem, it still looks bulky and too thick after a gingivectomy procedure. As gums move away from the teeth, they appear thick. The gum tissue is thinned with gingivoplasty when it is too thick.

Benefits of Periodontal Treatment: Healthy Gums, Healthy Smile

The gums are not the only structures that can be affected by gum disease. Periodontal ligaments and the jawbone can also suffer damage. Adults with untreated periodontitis are likely to lose their teeth. Among the benefits of deep cleanings and other periodontal treatments are:
  • Relief from discomfort
  • A beautiful smile
  • Fresh breath
  • Preventative care
  • Better cardiovascular health