Pediatric dentistry treats patients from birth through adolescence. Pediatric dentistry is an age-specific specialty that encompasses the management of children's behavior, the oversight of their growth and development, and the prevention of oral diseases.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

More than half of children older than six have some sort of tooth decay. Untreated cavities can cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss. By simply filling cavities, pediatric dentists can eliminate the risk of further complications.

Composite fillings, also known as tooth-colored fillings, have made it possible for modern dentistry to fill cavities discreetly for children. As an alternative to amalgam fillings that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, composite fillings will allow you to retain your child's decayed teeth.

Root Canal Treatment

An effective and safe way to stop tooth pain and prevent tooth loss due to decay or injury is root canal treatment. If your young child needs a root canal, you may wonder why: Won't that baby tooth fall out in a few years anyway?

Primary (baby) teeth typically fall out between the ages of 6 and 12 years. However, there are some good reasons to save baby teeth for as long as possible with root canal treatment rather than just removing those that have been damaged by trauma or infection.

A primary tooth serves the same purpose as an adult tooth - and a missing tooth can affect speech and eating at any age. Baby teeth also serve another purpose: They serve as a guide to ensuring that permanent teeth are positioned properly. In the absence of primary teeth to guide them in, permanent teeth often emerge crookedly, becoming tilted or crowded because of insufficient space. A bite problem may result, requiring extensive orthodontic treatment.


The purpose of a dental crown is to restore the shape and function of the tooth by covering it with a tooth-shaped covering. There are different reasons for using crowns in pediatric dentistry. A dentist may recommend a crown when it is necessary to repair and restore a primary (baby) tooth that is severely decayed (has a large cavity), a tooth that has been fractured, or a tooth that has not developed normally.

Repairing and restoring primary teeth is very important not only for repairing badly decayed teeth but for the following reasons as well:

  • Baby teeth have thinner enamel than permanent teeth, so decay can spread quickly between them. Not only can crowns save decayed teeth, they can also prevent decay and infection from spreading throughout the mouth and body.
  • An orthodontic crown restores the shape, size, and function of a tooth. Primary teeth serve as a guide to position the permanent teeth as well as hold the spacing for them. Crowns, therefore, play a vital role in maintaining oral health and development.
  • Children's jawbones and muscles develop normally with crown restorations.
  • With a crown restoration, you can develop your speech properly.
  • Chewing food requires crown restorations.
  • The crown covers the entire tooth and prevents further decay.