These days, orthodontic treatments like dental braces are available to teens and pre-teens, and adults. In providing excellent orthodontics services at specialized orthodontic braces treatment for everyone, we believe in fixing the best smile for your face. No matter what your age may be, orthodontics can protect your bite (occlusion), help your teeth perform their functions, align your teeth, and create a well-aligned smile. Oral hygiene is also easier with an aligned mouth. We offer affordable braces.

Conventional Metal Braces

Braces are now more comfortable than ever before and are one of the most common types of braces. Metal brackets and archwires are used to straighten your teeth using these stainless steel braces. Metal braces can be combined with elastic ligatures ("Donuts") in single or multiple colors.

Metal braces remain the most popular type of braces. Most orthodontic problems can be treated with metal braces. The size of fully-programmed braces has decreased a lot since they were first designed.

Clear & Ceramic Braces

Orthodontic patients can benefit from ceramic braces (including "Braces") by creating a more pleasing and less conspicuous appearance. In orthodontics, teeth are improved both in appearance and function. When it comes to braces treatment, ceramic and traditional braces differ primarily in terms of the type of orthodontic brackets bonded to the patient's teeth.

In fact, the different colors of the brackets help to make it less obvious to others that a person is wearing braces, especially from a distance. Therefore, ceramic braces, or braces that are tooth-colored, are very popular.

Lingual Braces

The way lingual braces work is very similar to how traditional braces do. There's one notable cosmetic difference, though; your front teeth don't have the usual metal supports. Treatment with invisible braces offers many advantages, and the best part is that they are barely noticeable.

Lingual braces are different in that they are placed on the back of your teeth, hiding most of the metal. This means they are just as effective as traditional braces at realigning your teeth but without aesthetic concerns.


The invisible alternative to braces is Invisalign / Clear Aligner. Invisalign seems expensive, but you don't know how much braces will cost? The good news is that Invisalign's cost in Mumbai isn't very high.

It involves the use of transparent aligners (trays). They are worn for about a week each. Aligners move teeth incrementally to the final position.

Models, actors, and working-class professionals prefer Invisalign.

Suppose you don't want traditional braces, then you can opt for Invisalign. No one will know that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.

For best results, it needs to be worn for 22 hours a day.