In dentistry, endodontics refers to treating infections of the tooth pulp located within the roots of the tooth. "Endo" is the Greek word for inside, and "odont" is the Greek word for tooth.

Endodontic therapy involves painlessly removing the infected tooth and replacing it with inert filling material, restoring the tooth to its original form, function, and aesthetics.

A cavity that develops in the pulp area of a tooth can be very painful. A root canal is the most effective treatment for this condition. This type of treatment involves removing the pulp and cleaning it properly, followed by filling it with a proper dental filling.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

When a tooth's pulp becomes inflamed or infected due to caries, trauma, or frequent restorations, it will need root canal treatment. The procedure involves:

  • Opening access.
  • Removing pulp.
  • Cleaning and shaping the canals.
  • Replacing them with inert gutta-percha.

After root canal treatment, the tooth will require crown restoration.

Metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), or all-ceramic crowns and caps are all options for dental restorations. We choose each cap or crown based on the patient's budget, whether the crown will be placed in the front or back, or it's quality. Depending on the quality of the crown and its durability, it will serve as a permanent layer of protection for the treated tooth.

Why do you need a Root Canal Treatment?

  • Irreversible damage to pulp tissue caused by deep caries
  • Fracture of tooth involving pulp or more than half of dentin
  • Dislodged restoration with symptoms like intense night pain, etc
  • Secondary caries approaching or reaching the pulp

When would you need Root Canal Treatment?

  • Continuous or Intermittent toothache
  • Tooth decay
  • Night pain
  • Sensitivity