Life is more beautiful when you smile. However, crooked, stained, or missing teeth may not smile at all as they fear what other people will think. Dental imperfections can seriously damage a person's self-esteem.

Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can easily correct these flaws and improve your appearance so that you have a smile that you can be proud of. Dr. Manali Pankaj Mehta is one of the best cosmetic dentists in Mumbai, India. In order to provide you with the finest aesthetic dentistry available today, we use the latest innovations and cosmetic techniques.

We strive to create smiles that are beautiful, natural, healthy, long-lasting, and comfortable. By using Smile Design and facial aesthetic software, we analyze your teeth and design a smile that is customized to your face. Cosmetic dentistry can correct aesthetic tooth flaws such as stained teeth, chipped, cracked, crooked, rotated, and gapped teeth.

Cosmetic dental procedures include a variety of treatments. Depending on your needs, you may require one or more treatments.

Tooth Whitening

With teeth whitening, you can now have a whiter and brighter smile. It is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. This product lightens teeth, removes stains and discolorations, giving you pearly whites. The option for our patients to receive treatment at home or in our clinic is available to them. Lasers are used in clinics to whiten teeth up to eight shades in less than an hour.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

It can be necessary to fill a tooth to treat a wide range of tooth problems, but most tooth fillings are done to treat dental caries or to repair accidental fractures. Fillings are also known as dental restoratives, and there are several kinds of restoratives available on the market.

Since we use tooth-colored filling material, no one will be able to tell that you had a dental filling done.

A filling is used to remove decay and cavities from teeth and restore their function and natural healing. In order to prevent further decay, cavities can be filled to prevent further decay. Fillings can also be used to restore cracked or broken teeth to their original condition. An accident or dental habits such as teeth grinding or nail-biting can cause a tooth to break.

Porcelain Veneers & Laminates

Veneers are extremely thin porcelain shells that can be bonded to your teeth. This is a great way to cover a chipped or cracked tooth or close gaps between your teeth. A non-invasive way of transforming your smile, they are strong, durable, and durable.

Inlays, Onlays & Overlays

The inlays and onlays differ from the other methods and materials of filling. An inlay or onlay is an indirect restoration. They are prefabricated in a dental lab to precise dimensions and luted (sealed) onto the tooth structure to restore the cavity. They look very natural and superior aesthetically.

Porcelain Crowns & Bridges

Dental crowns and implants can help prevent surrounding teeth from moving or rotating, which could negatively affect your bite, resulting in TMD (Temporomandibular disorder). As with crowns, bridges are fixed to your natural teeth or implants and made of porcelain materials.

In traditional dentistry, dentists reduce the size of teeth that need a Dental Crown or Dental Bridge and take an impression, which is sent to a dental lab. Until the permanent crowns are ready, a temporary crown or bridge is used.

Diastema Gap Closing & Bonding

Diastema refers to the space between any two teeth in the mouth. In general, diastema occurs when a gap between two upper front teeth is very visible. In aesthetic terms, it is unattractive. Diastema can affect children and adults of all ages.

Diastema can be treated using a variety of methods, each highly effective. Depending on the cause of diastema and spaced teeth, your Dentist will determine the best treatment.